Eac3to Source File Not Found

Grencola wrote: ↑Eac3to Source File Not Found

REMEMBER to have a small sample file ready that reproduces the problem. If you do not, all I'll do is ask for it. Alternate output file name. Specifying an alternate output file name using the internal file selector didn't work (it always used the original file's file name). Version 1.85.0. Release Date: Dec 25, 2011 Download(s): AC.ZIP.

fib1985 wrote: ↑

Can demux all video and audio tracks of an EVO/VOB/(M2)TS source file can list available titles of Blu-Ray and HD DVD discs can extract Blu-Ray and HD DVD chapter information and subtitles can mux MPEG2, VC-1 and h264 video tracks to Matroska can remove pulldown flags from MPEG2, VC-1 and h264 video tracks GUIs for eac3to. Default extension for joined output file is the same as main (first) source file. (removed in eac3to v2.22). Version 1.65. Release Date: Feb 11, 2008.

sm0ke83 wrote: ↑Grencola,
I tried your dv-mp4-maker on local mkv. Result is the same, stutters continuously... Didn't expect a different output, but did test it to be sure.
Any idea what might be causing this? FYI: Haven't been able to make a working mp4 from mkv, not even one.
I Got the same results as you, i guess the app have some problems. With the powershell script it works like a charm.SourceMy 'app' is literally just a command prompt script to run eac3to on the file, then mp4muxer. that's basically it. I chose to use eac3to as so many people, myself included, were getting framerate errors in TSMuxer during the demux where as eac3to actually tries correcting them. like I said above I've used my app on 30+ titles which are great. The only bug I've ever seen is when I copied those exact movies onto a friend's seagate hdd from my western digital and it came up saying the file format was not supported when playing certain files. still don't have a fix for that. but the ones that did play had no stuttering at all.Have to agree with Grencola here...
But I am curious though, what u mean with 'the powershell script'? Maybe i'm missing something (really hope so to be honest ).

File Not Found (404 Error)

Or can u describe in detail how u make the mp4 and where u get the needed files from?File

Eac3to Source File Not Found Adobe

Regarding to the WD/Seagate hdd issue. Did the drive both have the same filesystem? Or maybe try with dlna instead of direct usb connect? Only thing that comes to mind...