How To Change Twitch Title As Mod


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Default Commands

!Status (message) !Status [24h] Charity Stream! used to update stream's title.
!Game (message) !Game The Last of Us used to update stream's game status.
!StartHost start automatic hosting.
!StopHost stop automatic hosting.
!Command Add <command> <permlvl> <response> !Command Add !Cookie +r All your cookies belong to me! add command to Ankhbot.
!Command Edit <command> <permlvl> and/or <response> !Command Edit !Cookie +a /me ate $count cookies! edit an existing Ankhbot command.
!Command Remove <command> !Command Remove !Cookie removes an Ankhbot command.
!Command Count <command> <num> !Command Count !cookie 10 update/change a command's count number.
!Command Usage <command> <usage> !Command Usage !cookie TC (other options; TW,TB,DC,DW,DB,CB,WB,A) set the chat usage of a command such as Twitch Chat, Twitch Whisper, Twitch Both, etc...
!Enable <command> <true or false> !Enable !cookie true enables or disables an existing Ankhbot command.
!Command Cooldown <command> <minutes> !Command Cooldown !cookie 2 set the cooldown length for a command. (0 = Off)
!Command UserCooldown <command> <minutes> !Command UserCooldown !cookie 5 sets the user cooldown for a command. (0 = Off)
!Timer Add <command> <response> !Timer Add !Meow /me meows at $randuser adds a command to the Timers list. Timer commands go off at random intervals throughout the stream.
!Timer Edit <command> <response> !Timer Edit !Meow /me growls at $randuser edits a previously existing Timer command.
!Timer Remove <command> !Timer Remove !Meow removes an existing Timer command.
!Activate <command> <true or false> !Activate !Meow false enables or disables an existing Timer command.
!Quote Add <quote text> !Quote Add 'I am a cat!' - AnkhHeart adds a quote to the primary (chat quotes) quote system.
!Quote Edit <quote ID> <text> !Quote Edit 0 'I am not a cat!' – AnkhHeart [Thief] [02/01/2015] edit an existing quote from the primary (chat quotes) quote system.
!Quote Remove <quote ID> !Quote Remove 0 removes a quote from the primary (chat quotes) quote system.
!OtakuQuote Add '<quote text>' - <character> [<anime>] !OtakuQuote Add 'The best anime quote EVA!' - Cool Char [The Best Anime] adds a quote to the secondary (anime quotes) quote system.
!OtakuQuote Edit <quote ID> <quote text> !OtakuQuote Edit 0 'The WORST anime quote EVER!' - Lame Char [The Worst Anime] edits an existing quote in the secondary (anime quotes) quote system.
!OtakuQuote Remove <quote ID> !OtakuQuote Remove 0 remove a quote from the secondary (anime quotes) quote system.
!Fail <+ or -> !Fail + or !Fail - increase or decrease the Fail Counter by 1, while the counter is active.
!Fail <num> !Fail 10 sets the Fail counter to a specific number, while the counter is active.
!AnkhBones Add <username> <amount> !AnkhBones Add TheCryptBot 100 add currency to a viewer's AnkhBones balance.
!AnkhBones Remove <username> <amount> !AnkhBones Remove TheCryptBot 100 remove currency from a viewer's AnkhBones balance.
!AnkhBones Add +Viewers <amount> !AnkhBones Add +Viewers 20 adds currency to everyone in chat's AnkhBones balance.
!AnkhBones Remove +Viewers <amount> !AnkhBones Remove +Viewers 20 removes currency from everyone in chat's AnkhBones balance.
!Transfer <old username> <new username> !Transfer TheCryptBot TheOtakuCrypt transfers all currency from one user to another. Useful if a viewer makes a new account. Request to transfer must come from the account currently holding the Ankhbones.
!Permit <username> !Permit TheOtakuCrypt permits the targeted user to post a link within chat for a preset amount of time.
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How to change twitch title as mod in chatHow To Change Twitch Title As Mod

How To Change Twitch Title As Mod On Facebook

Run the game once to create the configuration file. By default, the window title will be set to Minecraft. Unlike in vanilla 1.15.2 onwards, the title will not change when you enter a world/server. To change the title, navigate to the.minecraft/config folder, and open customwindowtitle-client.toml in a text editor. You will see the. Like qoobrix said, you can change it in the dashboard. Last option, you change change it by selecting on edit button below the stream, same as dashboard, except you're on own channel. View entire discussion (2 comments) More posts from the Twitch community. Nov 29, 2016 Your very own sword. Well with great power comes great responsibility, and your Twitch life change. Part 1 of this will provide you with tools on moderation and is recommended for new moderators or those aspiring to be one. With the «!Title» chat command, you and your Twitch mods can update your stream's title directly from Twitch chat. You can set the title by using the chat command like «!Title New title.», where «New title.» is the full title you want to set on Twitch.