Red Cross On Volume Icon Windows 10

  1. Volume Icon In Vista
  2. Volume Icon Download
  3. Show Volume Icon Windows 10

I can't get audio to play through my speakers connected via the green audio jack to my integrated realtek sound card. There is a red cross on the volume icon. Windows has my sound device listed under 'Sound, video and game controllers' as 'NVIDIA High Definition Audio'. There are also two devices listed under 'System devices'. May 01, 2020 When boot into Windows 10, we found that the sound/audio is gone and it’s impossible to use volume up etc. The Speaker icon from the system tray also has a red cross near it as shown. Windows 10 Speaker icon with red cross in system tray. Volume icon appears with a red cross even though all sound devices are working. With UAC set to default, a notification pops up at startup asking my permission to run explorer.exe 3. I can't run some programs. Malwarebytes web protection suddenly disabled and can't be re-enabled. I'm using the latest one. Volume icon missing on taskbar is one of them. In windows 10, Peoples face this problem more. After installing major updates like windows 10 anniversary or creators update, Peoples face similar problems more. Normally, It is not a major issue. But, When you don’t see volume icon on taskbar frequently, It may annoy you a lot. Red cross on sound Hello. But my friend has an Xbox 360 and I have a windows 10 gaming PC. I was able to add him as a friend and send messages, but I see that a.

Red Cross On Volume Icon Windows 10

Volume Icon In Vista

August 28, 2019

Volume Icon Download


Show Volume Icon Windows 10

    Have you noticed the volume icon is missing from the windows taskbar? Do you know how to bring it back? Actually, This is a common error. But, You can fix it very easily. To know in details, Read this article.

    Sometimes, Windows users may have to face some unexpected problems. Volume icon missing on taskbar is one of them. In windows 10, Peoples face this problem more. After installing major updates like windows 10 anniversary or creators update, Peoples face similar problems more. Normally, It is not a major issue. But, When you don’t see volume icon on taskbar frequently, It may annoy you a lot. But, You can get rid of this problem very easily.

    How to Fix Volume Icon Missing from the Taskbar in Windows 10

    Normally, You should not experience this problem repeatedly. If it happens, You will have to do some common things. There are some temporary and permanent solutions which can help you. Anyway, To solve volume icon missing from taskbar in windows, You can follow these methods. Any of them should work.

    Method 1: Enable Volume Icon from Taskbar Settings

    After latest update of windows 10, You will have a new option named Taskbar Settings when you right click on the taskbar. If you notice that volume icon is missing from taskbar, You can check and enable it from taskbar settings. Here are the instructions –

    • First of all, Right click on Taskbar and choose Taskbar Settings.
    • Then, Click on Turn system icons on or off.
    • Now, You will have all system icons list for taskbar. Enable volume icon from there.

    Sometimes, You may see that icon is grayed or inactive in settings. Even, You may not see the icon after enabling from settings. In that case, You can follow next methods.

    Method 2: Restart Windows Explorer

    Actually, It is the most common working methods to fix taskbar icon related issue. It is considered as quick and temporary solution to fix volume icon goes missing from taskbar or any similar problems.

    Sometimes, Windows explorer may not be loaded properly. That’s why, Some icons on taskbar may be missing or may not work when you click on that. In that case, Restarting windows explorer from task manager can be extremely helpful. Anyway, Here are relevant instructions-

    • At first, Right click on taskbar and click on Task Manager.
    • Now, Change its view mode by clicking on More details. If it is already in detailed view mode, You won’t need to do anything.
    • Then, Find Windows Explorer from the active processes. You can press W from keyboard to find it more quickly.
    • Now, Right click on Windows Explorer and choose Restart.

    After doing it, You should see the volume icon on taskbar. If not, Please follow next method.

    Method 3: Modify Text Size

    In case, First two methods doesn’t work or are not relevant for you, This method can help. According to many users, Changing text size to 125% or anything bigger and change it back to default size (100%) can fix volume icon missing from taskbar problem in windows. To do it, Follow these instructions:

    • First of all, Right click on an empty area of desktop and choose Display Settings.
    • Now, Change the size of texts, apps, and other items to 125% or 150% or 175% or anything else.
    • After doing it, Change it back to 100%.
    • Then, Close window.

    Now, You should see the missing volume icon on windows taskbar. This is another quick solution like method 2. Unfortunately, You may have to follow this one and method 2 every time you face similar problems.

    Method 4: Enable Volume Icon from Group Policy

    If first three methods fail to resolve the volume icon missing problem in taskbar, You can try fix it by tweaking settings in windows group policy editor. To do it –

    • At first, Press Windows Key + R to open RUN.
    • Then, Type gpedit.msc and hit Enter.
    • Now, Navigate to User Configuration > Administrative Templates > Start Menu and Taskbar.
    • Double click on Remove the volume control icon like screenshot.
    • Now, Set the setting to Disabled or Not Configured.
    • Close everything and restart windows.

    Now, See if it fixes the problem. Sometimes, You may find everything is OK and configured correctly. But, Still volume icon is missing. In that case, I would like to suggest you to reset windows.

    Method 5: Get Back Volume Icon Using Registry Editor

    Tweaking registry is dangerous. It can break PC softwares and operating system. So, I strongly recommend you to backup windows registry before trying this method. If you have done backup, Let’s go through these steps to fix volume icon missing from windows 10 taskbar.

    • At first, Open RUN.
    • Now, Type regedit and press enter. It will open windows registry editor.
    • Then, Navigate to HKEY_CURRENT_USER > Software > Classes > Local Settings > Software > Microsoft > Windows > CurrentVersion > TrayNotify.
    • Now, Find and delete iconstreams and PastIconStream.
    • Restart your computer.

    From now, You should not face any system icon missing issue in windows 10. If it doesn’t work, You suggest you to restore registry from the backup.

    Else, There are two other commands which will add relevant value to the registry which may bring back the missing windows 10 volume icon for some users. But, You should take backup of your fresh registries. Then, Do these things:

    • At first, Open Command Prompt as administrator.
    • Then, Run the following commands.
    • Now, Restart your PC and see, If it helps.

    Normally, Any of the first four methods will fix volume icon missing issue. In case, You still can’t find volume icon, You may try the last one. But, I don’t recommend it to all users.

    There may be other solutions which can help users. So, If you know any better solution, You can share with us.